Ixworth, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk
01359 231652  |  info@wellbeans.co.uk
Photo by Neil Evans.
College of Bowen Studies Registered.
Bowen Therapy Professional Association Member.

Bowen Technique

  • Full session (30-50 mins): £45
  • Student 12 to 18 yrs (30-50 mins): £25
    (First adult/student session may take up to 75 mins)
  • First session Bowen/Bach combined including personal mix (90 mins): £50

Under 12? Check out our Children's Clinic!

The Bowen Technique is a gentle, relaxing, effective hands-on therapy that works by stimulating the body's own resources. It consists of light pressure, unique rolling movements made over specific muscles, ligaments and tendons at key stress points of the body. These moves send impulses to the brain which encourage the body to revert to its natural healing state and promote the subtle and fine adjustments needed for re-balancing, re-alignment, tension relief and pain reduction.

As the fastest growing complementary therapy in the UK today, the Bowen Technique can provide relief for a wide range of painful and stress-related conditions. Unlike a number of other therapies, the whole body is treated, rather than just the area of pain. The therapist does not set out to diagnose the cause of the problem, but lets the body try to sort out the problems it finds so it can heal itself.

The Bowen Technique is similar to Bach Remedies in that both are a way of helping the body and mind to heal itself, a way of getting back some balance in the body naturally. To this end, Jacky also offers combined sessions of the Bowen Technique with a personal mix of Bach Remedies to take away after the consultation. This has been a very successful approach as the two healing therapies work very well together. Jacky may also combine the Bowen Technique and the EMMETT Technique within a therapy session where appropriate.

What happens in a treatment?

Treatment can be given through light clothing. A unique and important feature of the Bowen Technique is that the therapist leaves the room for a couple of minutes at a time between sets of moves, to allow the healing process to progress. The gentle nature of the treatment is very relaxing, and leaves the person being treated with a feeling of wellbeing.

Because the body is the real therapist, the treatment continues for some time afterwards. As changes take place any discomfort or pain often reduces and disappears over the following few days.

Significant improvements are often experienced within one to three sessions. Long term aches and pains or deep-rooted problems may need further treatments but the therapist will be able to tell after three sessions how well the body is responding to Bowen before continuing with further treatments.

How can it help?

Because it is a gentle, subtle and relaxing treatment and no manipulation or force is used, it can be the ideal therapy for all sorts of people. It is suitable for both children and adults, from tiny babies to rugby players to the elderly and frail. It can be an effective healing solution for many problems in the body from lack of energy to degenerative diseases, with the added benefit that it appears to have significant positive effects on 'well being'.

The therapist does not focus solely on the symptoms of disease or discomfort but works holistically, aiming to help the body heal itself. So while a person may seek treatment for a particular disorder, they may also find improvement in other areas.

Aside from pain relief it can help boost the immune system, address inflammatory conditions, help improve circulation, energy and lymphatic flow and regular treatment can help deal with the stresses and strains of modern life.

Common benefits

Common benefits include:

  • effective pain relief
  • a noticeable feeling of improved 'well being'
  • a reduction in stress and anxiety levels
  • improvement in sleep patterns
  • improvement in posture and alignment
  • improved immune system functioning
Photos by Neil Evans.
“ Before having Bowen I was in a great deal of pain in my arms and now I am almost pain free and getting better with every session. I can thoroughly recommend it to anyone suffering pain.”
Eve, Bardwell
“My daughter was suffering from chronic headaches which prevented her from going to school. She spent weeks in bed, lost touch with friends etc. Since having Bowen she has returned to school and started to resume socialising with friends and family. The transformation has been amazing. Thanks to Jacky I have got my sociable teenager back.”
Michelle, Ixworth
Alternative complementary therapies including Bowen Technique, Reflexology, Seated Acupressure Massage, Reiki, Thai Foot Massage, Indian Head Massage, available in Pakenham, Ixworth, Woolpit, and Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk.